My tweet ideas, languishing in drafts

“Everyone talks about putting pronouns in your bio. I have pronouns in my bio. the only pronoun fitting for me is ‘I’”.

“Pfizer made Viagra in 1989 and the COVID vaccine in 2020. Just shows you where its priorities are”.

“Today’s list of imperialist institutions: The Postal Service, Daft Punk, communism, all treaties and multinational organizations, all religions other than your own, marriage, all Indo-European languages other than Romanian, books, and the state”.

“All the funny tweets I’m concerned might offend someone are just in my drafts and now it’s a cess pool. *puts this tweet in drafts*”

“Hear me out: cultural appropriation, but the culture is neoliberalism”.

“When legislatures adopt a resolution, who were its foster parents?”



Michael Barack Vermont

Yes, this is an alt to post *spicy takes*. Definitionally, that means these are things I doubt about “conventional wisdom”. Read at your own peril.